Nndivergent and convergent thinking pdf

Convergent thinking involves starting with pieces of information, converging around a solution. Convergent thinking and divergent thinking are the polar opposites of each other. What is divergent thinking, how to find if you have it. In the convergent thinking process, choice is deliberate and conscious. Divergent and convergent thinking linkedin slideshare.

Convergent thinking involves putting a number of different pieces of a topic together to find a single answer. Findings indicate that both hemispheres are involved in divergent thinking, which is accompanied by both eventrelated increases and decreases in the neural activation. Both convergent and divergent thinking are of benefit to the human being. A core tenet of humanity is our ability to think critically and with imagination and creativity.

The effects of modafinil on convergent and divergent thinking of. Creativity plays a role in innovation, development, and health. Convergent and divergent thinking creativity thought. Using a teaching method at the preschool level may seem trivial to some because youngsters just seem to want to play all the time. Most have mediumlevel creativity, but only a few people are very creative or. The first step identify the problem starts the entire process. Especially in definitive areas, convergent thinking is very beneficial because it allows the mind to focus upon the single. Convergent and divergent thinking writing prompt 1. Divergent thinking involves artistry which is associated with the right brain while convergent thinking encompasses logical reasoning which employs the left brain.

For a long time, the creativity literature has stressed the role of divergent thinking in creative endeavor. Convergent thinking is exactly opposite of what divergent thinking is. The contributions of convergent thinking, divergent thinking, and. So i am going to take you on a bit of the same journey. Divergent thinking is the process of generating multiple related ideas for a given topic or solutions to a problem 3. Divergent thinking vs convergent thinking think company. One key perhaps the key to the creative problem solving process is the use of both divergent and convergent thinking divergent thinking is wide and free. Convergent thinking means evaluating alternatives, summarising key points, sorting ideas into categories and arriving at general conclusions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. On the other hand, divergent thinking was equated with creativity and both were not uncommonly presented as competing or. The process of figuring out a concrete solution to any problem is called convergent thinking.

Following divergent thinking, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a correct solution. The alternative uses task aut guilford, 1967 was employed to measure divergent thinking, and the remote associate task rat. Convergent and divergent thinking free download as powerpoint presentation. How to teach convergent and divergent thinking prodigy. How to use divergent and convergent thinking to improve. Methods involved in convergent thinking also involve recognizing the previously tried out techniques and reapplying them along with the readily stored information. Ensuring that preschoolers receive the correct instruction sets them. Nov 17, 2017 convergent thinking doesnt always involve seeking out new procedures to solve the problem. Convergent thinking is the type of thinking that focuses on coming up with the single, wellestablished answer to a problem. Convergent thinking is a term proposed by guilford in 1967 as the opposite of divergent thinking. This is opposite from divergent thinking in which a person generates many unique, creative responses to a single question or problem. Valid reasons why divergent thinking is often discouraged in classrooms. It is the ability to put a number of different pieces or perspectives of a.

Understanding the difference between divergent and convergent. Divergent thinking is the process of thinking that explores multiple possible solutions in order to generate creative ideas its a straight forward process that focuses on figuring out the most effective answer. It is focused on getting results and may require quick decisions. Creative problem solving and design thinking epale. Choosing what to wear in the morning is an exercise in divergent and convergent thinking. The impact of physical exercise on convergent and divergent. Recently, modafinil has been reported to be used as a. When it comes to problem solving and idea generation, two ways are commonly cited, namely divergent and convergent thinking strategies. When a student contemplates the possible answers available, they use convergent thinking to weigh alternatives within a construct. When an individual is using critical thinking to solve a problem they consciously use standards or probabilities to make judgments. Many researchers subscribe to the view that people use two modes of reasoning, indeed two ways of thinking that serve them in everyday life, as. Convergent thinking is a process whereby a person arrives at a single, correct answer. The comfort zone is much easier to step out of if you have this type of thinking and you are successfully facing the new challenges in life. As you can infer, it emphasizes finding the single, optimal solution to a given problem and usually demands thinking at the first or second depth of knowledge dok level.

Convergent thinking is a term coined by joy paul guilford as the opposite of divergent thinking. The challenge during divergent thinking is pushing through the initial blockers, blinders, and biases, and resisting the natural inclinations to turn. Convergent thinking in cps creative problem solving. Guide your groups thinking process to new heights of productivity one of the simplest, most valuable skills a brainstorm facilitator can develop is the ability to read the direction in which their groups thoughts are flowing. In this thesis, two different thinking styles were considered as two different types of creativity. Bringing together divergent and convergent thinking. The theory of the six thinking hats creativity, as well as intelligence, is a general human feature. You have 4 choices that could state if you are either divergent, allegiant, convergent, or insurgent. This quiz is based on the trilogy by veronica roth. How convergent and divergent thinking foster creativity. At certain points in the creative process, thinking and focus needs to shift. On the other hand, divergent thinking was equated with creativity and both were not uncommonly presented as. Pdf divergent thinking as an indicator of creative potential. Today, most educational opportunities are tied to ones performance on standardized tests that are often multiple choice in nature.

This is opposite from divergent thinking in which a person generates many unique, creative responses. This stage is usually followed by convergent thinking in which learners critically sift through the collection of possible solutions by considering realistic limitations. The term convergent thinking was coined by joy paul guilford in 1956. Exercise interfered with divergent thinking in both groups. Divergent thinking generally resists the accepted ways of doing things and seeks alternatives. Convergent thinking is a cognitive process a mode of critical thinking in which a person attempts to find a single, correct answer to a problem. A cognitive process a mode of critical thinking in which a person attempts to find a single, correct answer to a problem. Thus, divergent thinking is relevant in creativity since it. Using the analogy of a goalie and goal, plish discusses how your team can get to the goal more effectively. Divergent thinking is about perceiving a situation or solving a problem in nonconventional ways. The most common used meaning for creativity in the field of psychology is that creativity consists of two types. This depends on your team size, and how much time you want to spend in the divergent thinking space, and. Divergent thinking, in contrast to convergent thinking, requires one to look for alternative answers from the available knowledge.

Divergent thinking tools divergence is the process of thinking broadly. It generally means the ability to give the correct answer to standard questions that do not require significant creativity, for instance in most tasks in school and on standardized multiplechoice tests for intelligence. The convergent thinking aspect of the invented task wasunsurprisinglyrelated to the standard ravens format. Gene balinggan is a registered psychologist, licensed professional teacher, and a freelance academic and. The alternative uses task aut guilford, 1967 was employed to measure divergent thinking, and the remote associate task rat mednick, 1962 to measure convergent thinking. Chapter 1 cps and design thinking in education across europe. You start by looking in your closet to explore options. Linkographic evidence for concurrent divergent and convergent. I came to this presentation via a circuitous route. Convergent thinking is the process of finding a single best solution to a problem that we are trying to solve williams, 2003. The amount of new ideas is much higher than in convergent thinking, and the emphasis is placed on the overall picture of a situation, ideas, and problems. The deductive reasoning sherlock holmes used in solving mysteries is a good example of.

Free production of variability through unfettered divergent thinking holds out the seductive promise of effortless creativity but runs. I was just curious to know if you were either a divergent or convergent thinker. Abstractthe ability to generate diverse ideas divergent thinking is valuable in solving creative problems e. This involves also convergent thinking, and thus, both convergent and divergent thinking processes intertwine and cooperate to reach a viable solution of an illdefined problem in a process called. The impact on convergent thinking, the task that presumably required more cognitive control, depended on the training level. May 18, 2017 convergent thinking is a cognitive process a mode of critical thinking in which a person attempts to find a single, correct answer to a problem. Sometimes to get to a goal you need to diverge before you can converge. Convergent thinking is used when there is a correct answer to a problem. Understanding convergent and divergent thinking can allow you to consciously use the appropriate thought process to get the best results. Convergent and divergent thinking a pedagogical approach for classrooms. Oct 26, 2011 convergent thinking, on the other hand, is the practice of trying to solve a discrete challenge quickly and efficiently by selecting the optimal solution from a finite set again, these are my words. Pdf convergent and divergent thinking in verbal analogy. To select the best of our divergent options, determine their potential value. Convergent and divergent thinking the peak performance.

But just as a driver cannot accomplish anything by accelerating and braking at the same time, project managers cannot find ideal solutions by coming up. Convergent thinking, on the other hand, is the practice of trying to solve a discrete challenge quickly and efficiently by selecting the optimal solution from a finite set again, these are my words. Guilford first coined the terms convergent thinking and divergent thinking in 1956. The divergent and convergent thinking skills are important in the process of problem solving in all domains where the concepts learned can to be applied to solve. In an abundance of enthusiasm generated postsputnik 1, the convergent style of thinking was rapidly equated with typical intelligence. Divergent and convergent thinking in the ideation process. Convergent thinking narrows down a list of alternatives to converge on a single correct answer. Like many others, steve jobs had often referred to meditation as the main. Modulation of convergent and divergent thinking by transcranial direct current stimulation tdcs, creativity research journal, 27. Recent research has used neuroscientific methods to study originality, novelty, insight, divergent thinking, and other processes related to creative mental activity. Convergent thinking is linear, but divergent thinking stimulates multiple thoughts, leading to multidirectional thinking. Before we delve into the specifics of prisms ideation and how it relates to creative thinking theories, you will need to understand what. The concept of convergent thinking requires the design thinker to go through all the possible solutions thought during divergent thinking and come up with a correct solution.

Many theorists believe that creativity lies in divergent thinking and not convergent thinking. Mar 23, 2017 convergent thinking is used to complete the steps 4 and 5. Convergent stems from the word converge which means come together. How to use divergent and convergent thinking to improve your. Difference between divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Criteria are purposefully applied as we screen, select, evaluate, and refine the options, all the.

There are two fundamental thinking tools that are very different and, at the same time, very useful in the process of creative thinking. Divergence and convergence the convergent phase is goaloriented and focused, linear, structured and usually subject to time constraints. Convergent thinking is used to complete the steps 4 and 5. In order to find the best solution, project managers need to use two types of thinking. Describe the difference between divergent and convergent.

Divergent thinking is the process of thinking that explores multiple possible solutions in order to generate creative ideas. Divergent and convergent thinking is not just for creativity in the workplace. Dec 02, 20 exercise interfered with divergent thinking in both groups. Abstract modafinil is a drug licensed for the treatment of narcolepsy and sleep apnea. Therefore, it makes sense that our abilityand decision todo this consistently in some ways defines us as a species.

Convergent thinking definition psychology glossary. There are a lot of memorable examples of convergent thinking out there that demonstrate the necessity for this technique. Convergent thinking doesnt always involve seeking out new procedures to solve the problem. Convergent thinking medical definition merriamwebster. Apr 29, 2015 when it comes to problem solving and idea generation, two ways are commonly cited, namely divergent and convergent thinking strategies. Considering the control requirements posed by creativity tasks tapping into convergent and divergent thinking, this predicts that highproficient.

Modulation of convergent and divergent thinking by transcranial direct current stimulation tdcs sharon zmigrod, lorenza s. Divergent thinking expands the number of alternatives by generating several possible solutions. Divergent thinking is a longer process as compared to convergent thinking. Convergent thinking, the bias of which is to assume that there is a correct way to do things, is inherently conservative.

Divergent thinking, on the other hand, is when a person. Understanding the difference between divergent and. Convergent thinking tools once we have as many ideas as possible, we apply our judgment, seeking the most different, original, interesting or appealing idea. Comparing the effects of convergent and divergent teaching. The process of evaluating and selecting from a diverse group of ideas is called convergent thinking. Divergent thinking, also referred to as lateral thinking, is the process of creating multiple, unique ideas or solutions related to a problem that you. Quickt ime and a t if f uncompressed decompressor are needed to see this picture. Divergent thinkers are better at finding additional. Convergent thinking can be thought of as the knowledge base of creativity. Divergent thinking treats all ideas equally divergent thinking is often hard to measure divergent behavior in larger classrooms might cause disruption. Convergent thinking involves finding the one right solution to a problem 4. Playing creative games enhances convergent thinking.